Enrolment options

Starting: 4th September 2024 | Ending: 12th March 2025

Days & Timings: Wednesdays | 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm (PKT)

Medium of Instruction: English

Course Fee: PKR 1500 (Full Course)

  • To acquire and adopt Sahih ‘Aqeedah.
  • To revive and rectify our faith in the light of Qur’an and Sunnah.
  • To familiarize the Ummah with the correct knowledge of Tawheed (oneness of Allah), Risalah (Prophethood), and Akhirah (hereafter).
  • To deepen our connection with Allah through contemplation, introspection and reflection.
  • To identify shirk and bida’t , consequences and ways to abstain it.
  • To focus on the depth of faith, excellence in worship and adherence to His commands.
  • To reflect upon the Mercy and Justice of Allah.
  • To instill self- accountability.
  • To strengthen the Islamic community since it is founded upon the correctness of the Islamic ‘Aqeedah of individuals.

Course books:

Al-‘Aqeedah al-Wasitiyyah by Ibn Taimiyyah, Alhuda Publication

Reference Material:

Fundamentals of Tawheed by Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips


Region: Karachi
Branch: DHA Institute
Medium: English