Enrolment options

Starting: 24th April 2024 | Ending:1st August 2024

Days & Timings:Wednesday & Thursday | 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm (PKT)

Medium of Instruction: Urdu

Course Fee: PKR 1500 (Full Course)

  • To help students understand most of the Qur’anic words by memorizing translation.
  • To help them build a strong connection with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala by understanding His Deen.
  • To help them learn how our beloved Prophet ﷺ and Sahab feared Allah in every situation and were united on the truth.
  • To help them learn how Allah helps and strengthens true momins by supplying angels and granting victory in the war of right and wrong.
  • What are the factors of victory and defeat through the Battle of Badr.


Region: Karachi
Branch: Tariq Road Branch
Medium: Urdu